Pārresoru koordinācijas centrs
Basic data
Title | Pārresoru koordinācijas centrs |
Registration number | 90009682011 |
Taxpayer | No |
Legal address | Brīvības bulvāris 36, Rīga, LV-1050 |
Registered / Official date of foundation | 25.10.2011 |
Date of entry in the register | 28.03.2018 |
Status | Reorganized |
Excluded from the register | 01.03.2023 |
Register | List of public persons and authorities |
Type | Institution of direct administration |
Founding legal act
Name of the founding legal act | Rīkojums "Par Pārresoru koordinācijas centra izveidi un darbības uzsākšanas nodrošināšanu " |
Number of the founding legal act | 557 |
Type of the founding legal act | Order |
Date of the founding legal act | 25.10.2011 |
Confirming authority of the founding legal act - name | Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinets (290) |
Contact information
Website | www.pkc.gov.lv |
Show address | |
Phone number | +371 67082811 |