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21.09.2024 08:42:14

Lapmežciema pamatskola

Basic data

Title Lapmežciema pamatskola Previous names
Registration number 90000031781
Taxpayer Yes Check, if is self-sufficing tax payer
Registration number of SRS structural unit 91415382017
Legal address Liepu iela 2A, Lapmežciems, Lapmežciema pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3118
Registered / Official date of foundation 24.08.2009
Date of entry in the register 19.04.2018
Status Actual
Register List of public persons and authorities
Type Institution of indirect administration
Higher authority Tukuma novada pašvaldība (90000050975)
Subordination type Under control

Contact information

E-mail Show address
Phone number +371 26005864