Ojāra Vācieša Gaujienas vispārizglītojošā un mākslu pamatskola
Basic data
Title | Ojāra Vācieša Gaujienas vispārizglītojošā un mākslu pamatskola |
Registration number | 40900040994 |
Taxpayer | No |
Legal address | Gaismas, Gaujiena, Gaujienas pag., Smiltenes nov., LV-4339 |
Registered / Official date of foundation | 03.06.2024 |
Date of entry in the register | 03.06.2024 |
Status | Actual |
Register | List of public persons and authorities |
Type | Institution of indirect administration |
Higher authority | Smiltenes novada pašvaldība (90009067337) |
Subordination type | Under control |
Founding legal act
Name of the founding legal act | Par Gaujienas pamatskolas, Ojāra Vācieša Gaujienas pamatskolas un Gaujienas Mūzikas un mākslas skolas reorganizāciju |
Number of the founding legal act | 122 |
Type of the founding legal act | Decision |
Date of the founding legal act | 22.02.2024 |
Confirming authority of the founding legal act - name | Smiltenes novada pašvaldība (90009067337) |
Contact information
No data